How to view calendar entry?

  1. Click the Calendar icon in the Navigation panel. A list of folders will appear in the View panel.

  2. Click on a calendar to view calendar entries in the Preview panel.

  3. Click once to see a shortcut of the calendar entry. Double click a calendar entry open it in a new tab.

  4. To Close an open calendar entry, press the Esc key, or click the Close button on the window tab.

    Steps to view a Calendar entry.

Detailed preview in month view

When hovering over a day in month view, WebClientshows a small calendar icon next to the date label.

Calendar icon

When clicked, a detailed preview of particular day is opened and you not only see upcoming events in full details, but you can also do everything you are familiar with in day/week view (rescheduling events with drag&drop, creating new events directly in calendar etc.)

Expanded Day view.